Solar The Way It Was Meant To Be.

Go Solar With New England’s Premier Solar Installer.

100s of Solar installations, 100s of new england hardos Telling their friends to use us.

Experience Solar

Your house has run on grid power for too long. You’ve thought about switching to solar but have heard everything under the sun and don’t trust a word. Now you end up with Team Sunshine and finally your faith is restored in solar. Your electricity bill is eliminated and your install actually happened.

We make this process easy and fast comparatively. Solar in the Northeast commonly takes 5-7 Months. We make it happen in 60 days. There’s really no reason to go anywhere else.

Trust us. It’s what we do.

“For sure I'm recommending this company to my family and friends. Thank you Thank you” - Maggie Vega [Springfield, Ma]

“For sure I'm recommending this company to my family and friends. Thank you Thank you” - Maggie Vega [Springfield, Ma]

"Very professional, team work, and they clean after when the project is done. I'm so impressed that it only took 2 days to finished. Thank you Ben for replacing my new roof!" - Lilly May Lo [Lowell, Ma]

"Very professional, team work, and they clean after when the project is done. I'm so impressed that it only took 2 days to finished. Thank you Ben for replacing my new roof!" - Lilly May Lo [Lowell, Ma]

“My experience was great...” - Ryan [North Easton, Ma]

“My experience was great...” - Ryan [North Easton, Ma]

What’s your next move?

Tired of your electricity bills yet?

New Roof? no Problem.

Roll it right in. Just pick your color and go. Full 50 Year Lifetime Warranty with every roof.

What we do really well?

INstall velocity.

We get your projects done, fast. This term is a term we coined to describe our key focus as a company. We want to get to the actual installation and system activation as soon as possible. There are a lot of hoops to jump through for solar so we built a circ-de-soeil on the backend to get your project to installation as fast as possible.

Our installation timeline is approximately 60 days in Massachusetts. For illustration, average install time in MA right now is about 5-7 months.

The Backend Stuff.

We crush it on the backend stuff. If you’ve ever worked with contractors they are the worst at two things, communication and administration. We changed the game by flipping that on its head because frankly, there’s no reason for it.

We are business people and we know what customers want. Ironically for us, happy customers means a better more desirable company for all our employees and professionals that work with us. So it’s a big win win here for everyone.

The installation.

We pay more to work with the best out there. We have a dream team of electricians because when it comes to game day there is no substitution for using the best in the industry. WHY? Because have you ever worked with a bad contractor or had an experience with someone who worked on your house that was subpar? Exactly. Enough said.

Getting you all the incentives and rebates Available.

While we can’t do it for you and we ARE NOT giving you tax or financial advice, we CAN provide the support we can, file the paperwork we can, and provide the information you need to make sure you get all the credits, incentives, programs and rebates you can get to have the highest ROI for your system.

WE get big systems approved by the utility.

Most companies will cap you at 10KW or whatever they are saying out there, 12 kW, but the fact of the matter is if you know the magic sauce you can get 15, 16kW systems approved. This is HUGE as many of our customers NEED larger systems for their home electricity needs, to power their car chargers, for their split and heat pump hvac systems, etc.

Service and Warranty.

While we try to do everything in our power to avoid problems, sometimes things come up.

If they do, you call our team and we’ll get it handled. It’s as simple as that.

STay up to date, Go solar and we’ll do the rest.

Team Sunshine is able to offer a fantastic installation experience that includes up-to-date communication via text, email and phone to make sure you are aware of where your project is at all times. We make it known you can always call, email or text us to get an update along the way.

Premium Management

Flexible Financing

Team Sunshine is able to offer the very best $0 down, long term, low APR Financing in the industry with PPA and Lease options for you retirees as well!

Recent Installs

July 22’

Falmouth, Cape Cod

August 22’

Woolwich Township, NJ


Framingham, MA

Team Sunshine Construction, LLC is a

BBB Accredited Business

It’s important you only work with a business that is BBB Accredited. We are, so rest assured we are taking every step possible to providing you an A++ Consumer Experience.

BBB Accredited Business